Raja Singh | Brampton, ON
/Raja is currently a grade 11 high school student, primarily studying business at Turner Fenton Secondary School. He is actively involved in entrepreneurship and business activities, having worked for the C.E.O of fair-trade as well managing 2 school clubs called FLIC, TMA (Financial Literacy Investment Club and Turner's Marketing Association) he strongly believes that the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary. He doesn't just preach business but applies it, which is the most prominent reason why he was offered to make several business trips abroad during his summer break to serve the roles and duties of a business associate for a multinational corporation called fair-trade. During these business trips, he offered many different business models, strategic ideas and mainly worked with the marketing team to develop a strong positioning matrix. He is also the Event Manager of Project Pulse, Event Supervisor of Canadian Cancer Society and Sponsorship & Activities Director of United Sports Club which has allowed him to portray his leadership and collaborative skills. Raja also doesn't have any dreams, he only has goals and now hes onto the next one called JTC trade mission to China and he will be representing the entrepreneurial sector which will allow him to support as well as market all rising local business in GTA on a global scale.